Oxylin cultivate capable individuals, that will become internationally minded citizens; able to create, manage, operate, socialize internationally not just by knowing a language.
Education for internationally minded citizens! Oxylin proclaimed its commitment to internationalism and foster its purpose and dedication to create an education program that will influence on creating greater, internationalized future for our youth.
As we live in the era of globalization, international is not a theoretical or global word, in Oxylin, its a lifestyle, we educate, prepare the future Global Citizens.
Oxylin is an Academic Institution that is located in the two most wonderful cities of the World:


Oxylin offers to Students Programs, Courses, built by world-known specialists that will develop
Creative, Social, and Managerial Skills



Two locations, with same major programs by locations: You can elaborate your own students program. You can cultivate your own potentiality with an open understanding of values and the initiative to continue learning throughout life.
International skill is a unique program that allows you to combine intensive learning of 3 language: English, French and Japanese with the core managerial skills.
Japanese language
This is a unique program that allows you to focus on mastering Japanese and combine with professional/ organizational skills.
this program offers studying french language and european management
This program is a Liebral Art BA with unique focus areas and learning opportunities rooted in the traditions and innovations of Paris and Europe.
POP ART is an international program about manga, animation and japanese pop culture.
Our goal : Your Bright Future
Global Leadership for Multicultural Societies
In the modern world, university program can’t only be an exchange of knowledge. Academic program are nurturing students to develop their competencies and their ability to work collaboratively across national and regional boundaries. Hence, in order to improve our international competitiveness, we need to gather outstanding students and leading researchers from across the globe and nurture human resources who, through cultural agility, are capable of taking global leadership roles that contribute to solving global issues and improving our future,

With the force of creativity and own culture. This competencies can’t be deconectied of local aspects. . For this purpose, it is equally important to prove our presence in the global higher education market and enhance the internationality of our very own systems and organizational culture. New leaders can have the initiative to improve local communities with a global outlook.

Find Your Own, Unique Place
Our Institution will open world’s competences to built a personal compatibility: your creative potential. Our Academic programs are designed to equip aspiring manager and artists with a comprehensive toolbox of knowledge and marketable skills that you will used in building future career.
Why Oxylin
We understand that finding the right education support is important to you. Here are the 4 key reasons why you should choose Oxylin to provide you with the support you are looking for!
Groups are maximum with 10 students
OXYLIN is a recognized, licensed academic program, which can be obtained online.
The OXYLIN program includes a component of mobility, for staying world’s citizen while focusing on learning Japanese language and Japanese culture we teach English parallel to the major learning.

With Oxylin, you will receive a high quality education and a academic diploma for 5 Times cheaper than the traditional programs !
Studying in Japan or in France is particularly long, expensive and often difficult. But with Oxylin it is possible, we will save you time and money.
To obtain a university degree in Japan, it is necessary to first follow two years of intensive Japanese language in private school, then enter a university and follow four years of study, which means total of 6 years of studies.
With OXYLIN, your studies lead to a diploma in half the time. After three years of studying at OXYLIN UNIVERSITY, JAPAN, you have the same degree as after six years of studying in Japan! We save your time and therefore the money and offer you the same knowledge and degree.
Compared the fees for same level degree

About 3 times cheaper than a traditional program !